Thursday, January 22, 2009

Work on public safety delayed, Zack mouths off on downtown development

While your City Council was doing yeoman's work on attempting to bring protest petitions back to Greensboro, some necessary items involving public safety and downtown development were pushed aside.

Council apparently tabled a scheduled debate about a legislative charter change that would put the council in charge of the police chief.

News & Record:

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. City Councilwoman Trudy Wade, who recommended the change as part of the council's 2009 legislative agenda, said it would bring more trust and accountability to the police department.

"The police chief will be accountable to the people much more than he is now," Councilwoman Trudy Wade said. "What we are doing now is not working."

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Councilman Mike Barber said the lawsuits against the city and recent discipline issues involving police employees show that the police department could use additional oversight.

But other council members disagreed.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. "Some of those were created by internal problems that we have tried to deal with. You can't blame that on the current chief or the operation of the police department. We need to not muddy the waters here and act like it is caused by the management of the police department," Councilwoman T. Dianne Bellamy-Small said.

IMHO, this needs to play out...and soon. The city is experiencing a public safety emergency, and anything to do with making our police department better, I'm all for. I also think a review board is a good idea provided it is not stacked with Simkins/TREBIC disciples. It needs to be balanced, fair, and seated with citizens who are committed to making this city better.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Zack's at it again...on the same evening he voted in favor of restoring protest petitions, Councilman Zack (I hate Greensboro bloggers) Matheny wants more downtown any cost. Never mind that a current project in the works to take up part of a downtown parking lot will make people angry. Never mind that many downtown art galleries are going out of business...never mind that more and more business are shutting their doors downtown, we MUST have downtown development at any cost.


Councilman Zack Matheny asked that the council approve the incentive request, and work to resolve the parking issues for area businesses quickly.

City Council members turned down his motion, instead deciding to take the issue up again at their next regular meeting.

Matheny said after the meeting that he will work to make sure the city does not lose the opportunity for new development downtown.

It's humorous.

E.C. :)

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