Monday, January 5, 2009

A more desirable Greensboro prompts GreensboroMetro

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The idea for GreensboroMetro was very simple.

Taking notice of things that are wrong in the city. Having a strong desire to see what could be right with this city. Taking notice of the politicians and the movers and shakers that have something to do with how this city works (and more importantly, how it doesn't work)...and how it can be fixed to work again.

An excerpt from a recent guest column I wrote for local activist and blogger Keith Brown says it all:

You see, maybe it's me, but we have a lot of problems in our town and none of them are being addressed properly by our so-called elected leadership.

They're not being addressed. From the lack of jobs, to record unemployment and underemployment, from an out-of-control crime problem, to arrogant politicians who work as though they're above the fray (and above the law), it's time to strike back and get involved.

GreensboroMetro will focus on the come-what-may, and what needs to be fixed around town. GM will keep an eye on the politricksters and will watch out for you, the citizen. I invite you to participate and comment on the issues of the day related to what's happening in and around town.

There are a lot of Greensboro blogs out there. I hope this one will carve out its niche pretty early. After all, Guilford County has one of the most active blogging communities out there.

Settle in, and welcome.

E.C. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad your here. I will pay attention and make comments.